It’s All About The Shreds!
Hey INTIANS! We are in the middle of March now! How fast does time fly, right? I’m here to remind you that there is roughly about only 2 to 3 months from your vacation filled semester break!
May, the perfect time to go for some beach vacation right? Guess what? It also means the perfect time to show off your ripped, six packed body! There are four simple tips and tricks that will help you in shredding those stubborn fats fast and achieving that aesthetic looking body!
Tip 1: Diet
You know what the professional bodybuilders always say? Abs are made in the kitchen, not the gym. A healthy diet means that your meals should have low sodium, fats, oil, and sugar content. Instead, replace with food containing high protein and healthy carbohydrates! This is because protein helps to breakdown fats faster. Not only that, protein will also help your body feel satisfied for a longer period. Example:chicken breast, beans, broccoli, potatoes, eggs, and milks. (
Tip 2: Cardio
Cardio exercise is helpful for fat burning but there are so many people out there who doesn't’ get the result they desire after doing countless hours of cardio. So here’s the solution. When you are doing cardio, you need to make sure that you hit your fat-burning heart rate zone. In order to achieve effective fat-burning cardio, you need to make sure that you hit 60 to 70 percent of your maximum heart rate when exercising. To calculate your maximum heart rate (MHR), use 220 and deduct your current age. For females, use 226. For example, Joe is 20 years old, so his MHR would be 200. For him, Joe would need to aim for a heart rate of around 120 beats per minute. (
Tip 3: Drink more WATER!
Although just by drinking water itself won’t help you to lose fat, but when combined with your clean diet, it’s a wombo combo for your fat burning regimen! According to the International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA), a normal person should drink 8-12 glasses of water per day. If you are very active, you should drink more than that to replace the water that you had lost in your active lifestyle. (
Tip 4: Sleep, sleep, SLEEP!
Having adequate and quality sleeping also helps in your fat-burning program! When you are not sleeping enough, your body will produce more insulin. Insulin is harmful because it is a fat storage hormone. So, start going to the bed earlier than you are now and no super! (
So use these simple tips to get yourself some rocking hard abs!