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Welcome to INTI

As the new semester begins, old and new students step onto the campus once again and we welcome you all with open arms. Remember to find time to relax while studying hard, meet new friends and be your each other’s support system.

To the newly enrolled students, welcome to University life and my hope is that you make many memorable memories to remember for life. While studying hard, make memorable memories and participate in activities as much as you can.

It is important to make memories while you can as time passes by fast and soon, you will have graduated and reality as an adult begins. This is applied for both old and new students, as we all still have time before time runs out, whether it is for one last semester or two years.

Make new friends, study together and be each other’s back bone during the toughest times. Don’t allow yourself to be stressed out, talk to each other and release some of it as they are going through the same things as you are, they understand the pain of what you go through.

Set a mantra or quote to repeat when you are not in your right mind, it tends to help with everything no matter how ridiculous is sounds.

When you are close to giving up, take a step back and take a look at the bigger picture, remember your end goal and reach for it as it is within reach. Every step you take, it gets you closer to that goal.

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