5 Engrossing Facts About the Internet
Picture: www.forbes.com
1. The Precursor of the internet, known as the Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET), was created in 1977 during the Cold War by American Leonard Kleinrock, Paul Baran, Lawrence Roberts and a British scientist, Donald Davies. Previously, it was used to transmit nuclear codes.
2 .Based on the Netcraft January 2015 Web Server Survey, it indicated that there were 876,812,666 websites active online in the world (over 876 million web sites). This was a 14+ million increase compared to 2014, when there were only 861,379,152 websites. Of these websites, there are 177 million (177,127,427) that are regularly updated.
3. The query we search is only a small part of the Internet, often referred as “Surface Web." The remaining part is called ‘Deep Web’ known as hidden web and it is much larger than the Surface Web. The content is hidden behind HTML forms. Additionally, we cannot even use deep browsers such as Chrome browser or Firefox browser to access deep pages.
4. The first words that was transmitted on the internet are “L” and “O”. An UCLA student Charley Kline attempted to transmit the text “login” to a computer but the system crashed after he typed the two letters. Leading to the world’s first message to be “Lo”.
5. WannaCrypt is a new Trojan virus that bricks your computer and devices under a common IP address that demands a sum of money to get your files back. Currently it only affects non-Windows 10 users and there is no known solution yet. For your information, the first attack was on 12 May 2017.